Looking for a step-by-step guide to all natural treatments for ADHD from a real Doctor?
This is the only resource that tells what works, what doesn’t work and what can actually cause more severe damage!
Who Created the ADHD Natural Remedy Report?
Dr. Scott Saunders is a Doctor that go fed up with prescribing dangerous pills to children with ADHD and decided to do something about it! Dr. Saunders has put together this comprehensive guide to safe, effective and most importantly drug free methods of treating ADHD.
What Will I Learn From the ADHD Natural Remedy Report?
There are all kinds of conflicting points of view online about what is the best and most safe method of treating ADHD. What really works and what doesn’t? Dr. Saunders teaches you not only about the risks of synthetic drugs like Ritalin and Adderol, but also tells you what works and doesn’t work for natural herbal and homeopathic treatments.
The ADHD Natural Report will Teach You:
- What ADHD really is to better know how to deal with it
The long term risks of prescription drugs (from a real doctor, not a blogger!) - Which Herbal supplements really work and which ones are a complete rip-off
- The truth about the “Feingold diet” (it actually harms kids?!?!)
- What deficiencies ADHD kids really have and what supplements should be taken
- How to handle endless conflicts with your ADHD child
- Parenting tips to properly support your child for success
- Exactly what is involved with behavioral therapy, Neurofeedback and other forms of therapy
- What you the parent are probably doing to make your child’s ADHD worse (99% of the time this is completely unintentional!)
- Basically straight answers for everything you ever wanted to know about treating ADHD without drugs
This is the step-by-step guide to ADHD that you have been looking for. A real doctor goes through all the possible treatments, diets and everything else associated with ADD/ADHD and tells you what works and what doesn’t.
Rather than searching the Internet for hours to find the most popular treatments (that may or may not work!) you get all the facts to know exactly what is safe and effective. By the end of this book you will know exactly what steps you need to take to help your child be successful in school, at home and in their own relationships all without the use of drugs.
Some really informative bonuses are included like “How and When to Be Your own Doctor” and “The 10 Deadly Health Myths of the 21st century".
The ADHD/ADD Natural Remedy Report is a one time charge of $39.97. Is it worth it? From one parent of an ADHD child (and an ADD adult myself) I would say that the information here is invaluable. Just knowing which herbal supplements actually work and which ones are garbage is something that many people are still confused about.
This is an easy to understand guide on everything parents of ADHD children should know. What's the best way to deal with set-backs when you start to see progress? How should you deal with conflicts and frustration? Do you have to completely change your child's diet or is this actually harmful? The answers to these and many other questions are right in the guide.
Remember, most children with ADHD have at least one parent that has it as well and everything in the ADHD Natural Remedy Report works for adults as well as children. Don’t you just love killing 2 birds with 1 stone?
Or visit http://www.my-linker.com/hop/adhdnaturalremedyreportPG for more information today