Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Effective Treatments for ADHD Children- How to Treat A Child With ADHD

Finding the right treatments for ADHD children is difficult because it is a very individualized condition.  No 2 people have the exact same symptoms and will react the same way to medications, therapy or more natural holistic methods.  You may need to try several different treatments on a child with adhd to find something that works for them.

Medications are not your only option, but they certainly are an option.  My advice as a father of a child with ADHD is to try other methods before medicating your child.  

In small doses kids can do well with meds and some absolutely need them to function, but if your child can see improvement by changing their diet or taking some supplements it would be a much safer route health wise.

Effective Treatments for ADHD Children

Medications- Ritalin and Adderall have been popular treatments for ADHD in children for years now.  Stimulants actually increase Dopamine in the brain which improves concentration and gives a calming feeling.  Side effects can happen, but they are usually nothing serious and the problem can easily be corrected. 

However studies are beginning to show that long term use of stimulants can have negative effects on the body.  Studies have shown that stimulant drugs can actually slow a child's growth by ½ an inch every year that they are taking the medication.  There are drug free treatments for ADHD children so try natural methods and discuss your options with your doctor before giving your child a drug.

Behavioral Therapy- Studies have proven that ADHD is actually a learned behavior.  There are negative behaviors and thought patterns that develop early in a child's developmental stage.  In order to break these behaviors you may need a therapist to work on identifying what caused the inattention, hyperactivity or both to stop these behaviors from repeating themselves and intensifying.

A combination of meds and therapy has been the most successful approach.  Therapy helps to stop inattention/hyperactivity at the source (the mind) and medications help keep a child with adhd focused and better behaved in between sessions.  As the sessions progress you can ween your child off the medications for good (if all goes well!).

NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)- This method is an expensive form of therapy, but it has literally cured more people with ADHD than  any other method.  This is a combination of hypnotherapy,psychotherapy and language.

Here’s How it works:

Neurology- Regulates how the body functions
Language- The basis of our interactions and communication with others
Programming- Learned behaviors and personal view of the world (what’s engraved in the brain)

NLP helps a child with ADHD to reprogram negative beliefs and attitudes that make inattention and hyperactivity more severe.  An NLP practitioner is very expensive, but there are books, DVDs and Cd’s all with NLP style therapy.  Severe cases may need a person to talk to, but people have seen great success by getting a highly rated CD or DVD as well.

Learn more about NLP, EEG and other natural treatments for ADHD children here…

Meditation- This is perfect by nature for either inattentive or hyperactive types.  The basis pf meditiation is to focus on nothing but the way you are breathing.  A child with ADHD under the age of 6 years old might have a hard time focusing on their breathing (especially if ADHD is present), but older children should be able to do this.  This is also a great exercise in focusing for inattentive kids.  The benefits of meditation are long term and may take a few weeks to see results.

Neurofeedback (EEG biofeedback)- EEG Teaches how to control your brainwaves.  Expensive therapy but praised by professionals for being as effective as meds without the dangerous side effects.  The positive effects of neurofeedback are said to be permanent by those that have tried it.

Homeopathic Remedies-  All natural substances from plants, animals and minerals that benefit the body by improving concentration, restlessness and hyperactivity.  With no known side effects homeopathic remedies are a good substitute for all natural herbs which at times can interfere with the effects of prescription medications.  Homeopathic remedies work wonders with all kinds of mental and physical ailments by naturally restoring balance to the body and mind of a child with ADHD.

Homeopathy is a holistic treatment that seeks to cure the entire body as a whole rather than just the isolated symptoms.  The phrase “like fixes like” is often used to describe the homeopathic approach.  In much the same way that snake venom is used to create an anti-venom that will save your life from poisoning homeopathic substances use a small bit of a substance that has similar effects as the problem you are having (in this case inattention/hyperactivity) to actually alleviate the problem.

EXAMPLE:  A holistic/homeopathic remedy that has worked wonders for hyperactive children is to give them 1-2 cups of coffee a day.  “Wouldn’t that wind up a child with ADHD hyperactive kid even more?” you ask.  With other children yes, but with a truly hyperactive child a little bit of caffeine will actually balance them out and calm them down.  (consult with your doctor before giving your child caffeine)

Nutrition- This is more of a small lifestyle change than a treatment, but its effects should not be taken for granted.   Part of the reason that so many children (and adults) have ADHD is the amount of refined sugars, preservatives and processed foods that we all eat. 

Tweaking your childs diet a bit is one of the easiest and most rewarding treatments for ADHD children.  Most of the food at the average grocery store is loaded with chemicals that preserve flavor, freshness and colors in the foods that we eat.  Making sure that your child gets the right amount of fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and proteins in a day could make a big difference in attitude and focus.

Fish has an abundance of omega 3 fatty acids which seem to be missing from the diet of most ADHD children.  That along with food dyes and additives are suspected to be the main biological cause of inattention and hyperactivity.  Make sure to limit processed foods and try to offer a balanced and natural diet for a child with ADHD.

Exercise-  This may sound like a no brainer, but with video games and Internet connections in just about every household it can be easy for kids to choose to be a couch potato rather than go outside and get some exercise with friends.  Daily exercise releases endorphins into the blood stream that help to keep you at your best both physically and mentally.

Exercise is a physical outlet that promotes all sorts of positive benefits for the mind and body.  Make sure that your child gets at least an hour of good outside playtime (or rigorous indoor play) every day.  Being cooped up in the house is bound to wind a kid up and make them hyperactive.  A lot of treatments for ADHD children could be avoided with a more active lifestyle.


Which Treatments for ADHD Children Work the Best?

As you can see there are several approaches outside of using harsh medications.  The side effects are bad enough for an adult, but rather than putting a child with ADHD at risk I highly recommend that you try some other options first.  Try to save prescription medications as a last resort. 

However, if your child does need the meds don’t be afraid to supply them either.  Medications are not all bad and they do relieve inattention and hyperactivity almost instantly.  For some kids keeping them from medication is sentencing them to constant and avoidable difficulties.

The problem is that the effects only last as long as you are taking the medication.  That’s not to mention the side effects that a child with ADHD could have.  This is usually resolved quickly and with no serious consequence, but the long term effects of these drugs has yet to be tested.

Try more natural methods and you can help your child with out subjecting them to possible side effects that could make things even worse.  There are plenty of treatments for adhd children that are 100% natural and completely drug free.  If all else fails a light dose of medication and behavioral counseling has been the most effective strategy to date.

Click here for all natural doctor recommended treatment for ADHD children

Have you had your child tested yet?  Get an online diagnosis with the Check ADHD test.  Lasts roughly 20 minutes and get immediate results.  Accurate information Guaranteed.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Recognizing ADHD Symptoms for Children- Can You Spot a Child with ADHD?

Adhd is still difficult to diagnose, particularly in children because the symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity are completely normal if they only occur from time to time.

This also explains why ADHD is the most over-diagnosed of all mental afflictions. ADHD symptoms for children can be a constant distraction making school and personal life a struggle.

What are the ADHD Symptoms for Children?

To recognize the symptoms of a child with adhd you have to understand that attention deficit disorder is classified under 3 specific categories:

Inattentive: Unable to concentrate for sustained periods of time

Hyperactive/Impulsive: Seemingly unable to control impulsive actions but without inattention

Combination: This is the most common type of ADHD with a combination of inattentive and hyperactive symptoms.

ADHD Symptoms for Children with Inattention Include:

  • Gets distracted easily by irrelevant things that are completely irrelevant to what is going on
  • Reluctant to do tasks that require sustained attention like homework
  • School work looks sloppy and careless
  • Doesn't seem to listen even when spoken to directly
  • Frequently breaks away from tasks to focus on noises or actions that are usually ignored by others
  • Difficulty finishing schoolwork or performing tasks that require concentration
  • frequently shifts from one incomplete activity to another
  • Procrastination
  • Poor organization
  • Forgetfulness in daily activities or losing important objects frequently
  • Difficulty paying attention to details and often makes careless mistakes in school or other activities
  • Poor listening skills or the inability to stay with a single conversation

Inattention is what makes it impossible for a child with ADHD to concentrate on school work, home work, chores or even the basic rules of living in a family.

Common ADHD Symptoms for Children with Hyperactivity include:

  • Being always on the go
  • Running or climbing excessively when it's inappropriate (in teens this may appear as restlessness)
  • Getting up frequently to walk or run around
  • Fidgeting or squirming a lot when seated
  • Talking excessively
  • Seems unable to play quietly

There a specific sub-group of hyperactive symptoms that exhibit impulsive behavior. A child with ADHD impulsivity problems usually has trouble:

  • Blurting out answers before questions have been completed
  • Frequently interrupting or intruding on others to the point of causing problems in social or work settings
  • Impatience
  • Difficulty awaiting one's turn
  • Initiating conversations at inappropriate times (when it is clear that they should be listening to someone)
  • Inability to delay responses until the consequence has been thought out

What’s the Difference?

Inattention is the inability to focus or concentrate on one subject. Much like a honey bee will fly from flower to flower collecting pollen your child's thoughts work the same way. Constantly bouncing from one thing to another without staying on one subject long enough to learn or more accurately absorb information.

Hyperactivity is when your child simply can’t stop moving for more than a few seconds. When they are forced to be seated in a classroom environment fidgeting, getting up to move around and even facial tics are common ways to blow off this excess energy, but they may have no problem paying attention for sustained periods of time.

The combination of These 2 disorders is seen in a child that is highly impulsive and unable to focus on any one thing for an extended period of time. This child is physically and mentally unprepared to sit and focus on one thing at a time.

What Should I Do if My Child Has Several ADHD Symptoms for Children?

As mentioned earlier most of these symptoms like interrupting and running around at inappropriate times could be considered a normal part of the life learning experience for kids. If you notice a number of signs that seem to happen all the time and everywhere that you go attention deficit could very well be the problem.

Its recommended that you see your physician for a professional diagnosis. There may be some other physical or mental issue to deal with so getting a proper diagnosis should be your absolute first step.  A child with ADHD that goes untreated can have difficulties not only in school, but later in life at work and with their personal relationships.

If your child is diagnosed you will then need to discuss treatment options with a specialist (which your doctor will most likely recommend). They may discuss medications with you, but that is not your only option. There are more natural methods with no side effects that you could use and possibly never need a prescription of any kind.