Friday, April 29, 2011

Check ADHD Online Test- #1 Recommended Online ADHD Test

This is a performance based test unlike a checklist of basic symptoms and will save you over $1,000
on a pricey specialist
Access the Check ADHD Online Test here

This is the only performance based test that measures sustained attention and impulsiveness, something a checklist just can't do.  This test was developed by psychologists and university professors with over 20 years of experience dealing with mental disorders. 

There are 2 parts to this test:

1) The continuous performance test measures sustained attention and impulsiveness
2) ADHD symptoms inventory (taken by a parent of an ADHD child or you can evaluate your own symptoms

Why get an attention deficit disorder diagnosis online?

  • Testing with a professional requires scheduling far in advance
  • Must travel to wherever their office is (could be a long drive!)
  • $1,000-$2,500 is a lot of money considering you are not even sure if ADHD is your problem
  • Get immediate results upon completing the test (which takes less than 20 minutes compared to a 3 hour psychiatrist trip)
  • Accurate results for all ages from 6-80
  • Testing for Adult ADHD also available

Doctors are quick to diagnose a child with adhd while misdiagnosing adults that actually do have the condition.  Ill informed doctors may believe that since hyperactivity is not present that you can’t have attention deficit when in fact you may.  This results in an incorrect adhd adult diagnosis.

The online ADHD test is time tested and the results are as accurate as you can find.  This is a performance based test and not just some checklist of symptoms.

The results are guaranteed and for less than $30 you will save a boat load of money on an accurate attention deficit disorder diagnosis.  Go ahead and take the test right now and have your comprehensive report of your results in less than 20 minutes. 

If you are testing your child be sure you are near them during the test, but do not coach them along with answers.  The test is only accurate if it is testing your child, not you.  If your child is struggling to get through the answers it’s a good indication that inattention at the very least is present.

Whether this is for your child or yourself knowledge is power.  There are ways of helping ADHD but you first need to identify if that is in fact your problem.  There are other physical and mental conditions that can cause inattention and hyperactivity so establishing what your condition is will be the first step to fixing the problem.

Children can suffer many problems at school, work and in relationships as a result of ADHD.  Testing for adult ADHD could mean the difference between having a good work life and getting fired from adhd related reasons.

So what are you waiting for?  Click here to take the Check ADHD test right now and get a full comprehensive report and diagnosis immediately after you finish.

Even if you decide not to take the test there is a free course on ADHD that will give you some really great information on how to treat ADD in children and adults.